Since returning from our two year mission in Chile, we have not sent out any newsletters. Perhaps this is a good thing. Perhaps this is negligence. You decide. At any rate, we are going to try to communicate from time to time using this venue. If you want to check out our news, you can choose to do so... or not. No more lengthy, unsought after missives invading your email. You can pursue enlightenment by clicking after us... or not. Fair deal?
At this time in our lives, we measure our advancement in years in terms of grandchildren. At present we are at the 34 mark. There are four more in the works: Holly and Adam in November, Nathan and Sandra the last of January, Ali and Tom and Sarah and Jakob sometime in May. We love and are grateful for this bumper crop and appreciate those who are willing to produce and care for it.
In September of this year we were called on a two year service mission working with LDS Employment Resource in the Medford/Grants Pass Oregon area. Since we live in Grants Pass Oregon, we do not have to move. This is a different kind of mission for us, and at first we were not sure if we were being rewarded or tested. However, as we are learning about the world of job seeking, putting on Career Seminars, discovering a myriad of community resources and helping people to be career self-sufficient, we find that we are enjoying ourselves immensely. This past month we helped 12 people find employment, and we are thrilled. Who said you can't teach old dogs new tricks! We are also continuing in our previous calling as ward missionaries, and we sing in the ward and stake choirs. Not much time for mischief.
Recently we were in the Portland area for missionary training, and we were able to visit with the McIver family, Grandma Melba and Gabe Weissenbuehler (at his fire station). It was so good to see these family members and share hugs. McIver kids are super soccer players and growing up rapidly as children are wont to do. As usual, Syndy and Robert were gracious hosts, and we appreciated their making time for us. Grandma Melba looks the same although she will be turning 89 next spring. How does she do it! Staying active and eating right, we guess. She is always a delight. Gabe is a very handsome and loveable top notch fire fighter. He gave us a tour of the fire station. Very impressive!
Speaking of bumper crops (remember three paragraphs ago), we had a super duper garden this year and just brought in the last of the tomatoes to save them from frost bite. We've had a warm, fruitful autumn that has extended far beyond its usual duration in these parts. However, the last two nights have been rather chilly so we needed to rescue our remaining green tomatoes. In addition to ourselves and family and friends, our bountiful garden has provided for a myriad of our four footed forest friends. Ahh, one of the perks of rural living.
Yesterday evening, after trunk or treating at the church, we had a family Halloween Party with dunking for apples, pinning the eyes on the jack-o-lantern, and vying for musical chairs. There was plenty to eat and a video of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. During the show, the floor was strewn with the bodies of 14 children mingled with pillows, blankets and candy wrappers. Halloween heaven!
Stephan just finished painting a large mural of whales for a couple in our ward who wanted to adorn their patio. It turned out very well, and the people were very pleased. As you can see, we are enjoying life and our cup overfloweth. We hope the same is true for you.