Sunday, May 03, 2009

Stephan's Art Work

This Simeon figure was first commissioned in stoneware for a retiring Stake President. A few copies in Urethane have been sold. It has generated enough interest to be cast in a limited edition in bronze.
"Abraham and Isaac"
This piece was commissioned by a friend,and depicts the young Issac throwing his arms around the father he loves. Father Abraham cannot respond in kind because he has been commanded to sacrifice this precious boy. His body language and expression pleads for a way out. I am considering this as the first of a trilogy depicting this great test.

"Rogue River Steelhead" (foot Bridge)
The beautiful river here with its salmon and steelhead runs, is one of the perks of living in Grants Pass.
I have wrestled with this rather large painting for a long time. It is near completion.

"The Accuser"
It is time to cast a limited edition of this piece. Close examination tells it all. It is one of my favorites.

We have been busy and blessed with many things to fill our time. We have joy in our posterity and friends. Life doesn,t get better than this.


Jo Schaffer Layton said...

I really like your stuff dad. Wish I could afford some. Haha! It was great chatting on the phone tonight. Love and miss you two!

Mark and Kiss said...

Daddy, I love that you are able to spend more time doing what you love these days. The results are beautiful and I wish I could have them all! Your new paintings are gorgeous. Good job getting them all online Momma! You guys are a good team.

Aileen (aka TIA) said...

Thanks for sharing your work! Hope to see them in person soon. (BTW, do you not have voicemail? The number marcia gave me wouldn't let me leave a message.) See you on 6/22.